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Manufacturing Execution

Experience improved efficiency, enhanced quality, minimized scrap, and guaranteed timely deliveries through the acceleration of your digital transformation and Smart Factory initiatives.

Experience a revolution in manufacturing efficiency with our state-of-the-art Manufacturing Execution System (MES). By integrating various aspects of manufacturing operations, including planning, scheduling, tracking, and reporting, our MES platform provides real-time data and insights to optimize workflows, reduce errors, and enhance quality control. Acting as a bridge between the shop floor and the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, our MES solution facilitates seamless communication and data exchange, enabling businesses to drive operational excellence and gain a competitive advantage. Transform your plant data into actionable insights with our innovative MES platform and achieve unparalleled success in your industry.


Incorporate exceptional expertise and strategic approaches by harnessing the potential of your plant data.


Acquire data promptly from both equipment and operators on the shop floor, ensuring real-time insights.


Acquire valuable insights that assist them in making well-informed decisions and implementing proactive measures to improve efficiency.



Bringing data, technology & expertise together to transform your business and make future-ready.


Integrating different varieties of data to enhance transparency, insights, and transform digitally to capitalize on data and innovate without boundaries.


Reliable & Resilient – your platform & partner for digital transformation without limits.

Transform, Innovate, and Prosper

Experience a multitude of benefits that awaits

  • Streamline and automate various processes, eliminating unnecessary manual tasks and reducing production bottlenecks.
  • Free up workforce to focus on higher-value activities by automating repetitive tasks.
  • Enable to track and analyse material usage, energy consumption, and other resources in real-time, helping them identify areas of inefficiency and reduce waste.
  • Minimize waste to become more sustainable and reduce their environmental impact.
  • Enable real-time monitoring of critical parameters, ensuring that any deviations from the specified standards are detected early.
  • Take corrective actions, thereby improving product quality and customer satisfaction with early detection.
  • Provide real-time visibility into equipment performance and health, enabling manufacturers to detect and address issues before they escalate.
  • Real-time shop floor visibility to anticipate and solve production problems before they happen, leading to smoother operations and improved overall performance.
  • Get accurate and timely information at fingertips, optimize production processes, eliminate bottlenecks, and minimize downtime.
  • Enable to maintain consistent quality standards and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Identify and resolve quality issues before they impact the final product with real-time monitoring and data analysis.

Prominent attributes to enhance your organization

Simplify and streamline your organization's complex processes with Nirmalya Enterprise Resource Planning, an all-in-one enterprise resource planning platform.

Real-Time Production Scheduling

Effective production scheduling is vital for the seamless functioning of manufacturing organizations. In order to ensure customer satisfaction, efficient resource utilization, and accurate cost estimation, it is pivotal to adopt real-time production scheduling. The impact of production scheduling is felt across all aspects of your business, namely order commitments, resource planning, and job costing. The reputation, growth, and profitability of your organization heavily hinge upon your ability to deliver the right quantity of the appropriate product precisely when it is required. Incorporating cutting-edge scheduling platform enables companies to efficiently allocate resources, monitor production progress, and promptly make necessary adjustments.

  • Efficiently handle dynamic operations, streamline workflow processes, and gain in-depth understanding of the expenditure associated with each task.
  • Make reliable projections regarding customer demand by leveraging current sales data, market trends, and historical patterns.
  • Enable authoritative decision-making by equipping leaders with real-time updates on inventory levels, order status, and production progression. This facilitates optimization of the entire production process.
  • Effectively distribute resources, continually monitor production advancement, and promptly make essential modifications as per real-time requirements.

Data Integration

Companies are constantly seeking ways to enhance efficiency and informed decision-making. The exchange of data between various systems has emerged as a transformative factor. It is crucial for businesses to maintain data integrity to ensure accurate and dependable information, which consequently aids in making well-informed decisions. Our Data Exchange module offers an effective solution that enables seamless data transfer between Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) and other applications. Automating the data exchange procedure minimizes the possibility of human error associated with manual data entry, thus upholding the integrity of business data.

  • Ensures data integrity is essential for businesses to make informed decisions based on accurate and reliable information.
  • Supports various data formats and protocols, making it compatible with a wide range of systems and applications.
  • Allows businesses to adapt the module to their specific data integration needs, resulting in a tailored and efficient solution.
  • Boost productivity and enable users to concentrate on crucial tasks, such as making informed decisions backed by trustworthy data.

Digital Twin

In order to maintain competitiveness, businesses must utilize data effectively to facilitate informed decision-making and streamline operations. This is where the Digital Twin app comes into play. The Digital Twin app serves as a versatile tool that extracts data from IoT devices to generate a visual representation of all the data collected on the shop floor. With the assistance of the replay mode, businesses gain the ability to retrospectively analyze information and visually pinpoint the underlying causes of any earlier issues. By harnessing the potential of data visualization, the Digital Twin app enables quicker and better-informed decision-making. It empowers users to delve into historical data, identify trends, patterns, and anomalies.

  • Transform data into visually meaningful representations facilitates faster and more informed decision-making
  • Provide real-time insights and analytics, the app enables you to streamline operations on your shop floor
  • Identify potential equipment maintenance needs before they escalate into costly breakdowns
  • Utilize historical data analysis to discern trends, patterns, and anomalies, leading to process optimization, decreased downtime, and enhanced productivity

Dashboard and Analytics

Easily monitor your business's progress with a quick glance. Our cutting-edge analytics engine seamlessly integrates with MES, guaranteeing a smooth and efficient setup process, ultimately leading to a swift return on investment (ROI). Leverage the power of mobile and web platforms to generate essential key performance indicators (KPIs) and graphs that provide insights into asset, technician, and location performance. Obtain a comprehensive understanding of machine utilization through visualizing planned versus actual data from an aerial perspective.

  • Gain immediate access to up-to-the-minute data and easily comprehend it through carefully crafted charts, graphs, and gauges.
  • Delve deeper into your data by examining various levels of detail for enhanced understanding and analysis.
  • Identify outliers and anomalies that may impact your business and take corrective actions promptly
  • Utilize a simplified presentation of maintenance performance across different locations and meticulously track the quantity of active, impending, and pending tasks.

Resolving a wide range of challenges

Operational Efficiency

Get instantaneous insight into the manufacturing process enables businesses to detect bottlenecks, eradicate unnecessary tasks, and enhance resource allocation efficiently.

Quality Control

Ensure comprehensive oversight and validation at every step of the manufacturing procedure, starting from raw material tracking to monitoring production parameters.


Scrutinize substantial amounts of data to discern patterns, identify deviations, and facilitate well-informed decision-making.

Shop Floor Visibility

Trace the advancement of every task, detecting production delays, and promptly undertaking corrective measures.

Resource Management

Pinpoint resources that are not fully utilized, implementing proactive maintenance strategies, and optimizing production schedules with greater efficacy.

Supply Chain

Incorporate diverse components across the supply chain, encompassing sourcing to overseeing stock levels, guaranteeing prompt acquisition of essential resources and effortless synchronization with vendors.

Nirmalya has been able to help us delivering consistent employee experience across all locations to bind everybody together and give every employee the same experience

Sunil Das | CEO, News7 & Prameya

Accelerated Value Realization

Our implementation strategy is designed to ensure that your business operations undergo a swift and seamless transformation, resulting in faster time to value. Our experienced consultants utilize a structured approach that combines extensive industry knowledge with the latest implementation techniques. This enables you to expedite the deployment of our powerful solution and experience a rapid return on investment.

Through our streamlined process, you can optimize productivity and streamline business processes with minimal disruption. We have consolidated the expertise gained from global deployments into a set of leading practices, providing a clear path to success and delivering rapid business value.

With Nirmalya, you can confidently expect to go live within a predictable timeframe through smart, stepped implementations.

How much does it cost?

Nirmalya offers its services to companies of all sizes, including startups, fast-growing businesses, medium-sized enterprises, large corporations, and non-profit organizations. We assist these companies in streamlining their operational capabilities without the need for significant capital and operational expenditures. By eliminating the burden of maintaining an Enterprise Resource Planning system, which typically involves investments in manpower, hardware, and software, we help companies focus on their core activities.

Our collaboration with companies involves an initial setup fee for implementation, followed by an annual license fee based on the modules chosen by the customer for implementation. As businesses expand, customers have the flexibility to incorporate new modules as needed.


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Get In Touch

The modern business is a global business. Managing a global business presents challenges, but it also presents an opportunity to acquire, grow and manage customers across borders using the best in technology.
Bring us your pain areas, we will work with you to curate the right solution for your business.

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