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What’s the real purpose of life?

Sagar Anchal

We all desire to enjoy a fulfilling and extended life, driven by our innate fear of mortality. Thus, we strive to delay the inevitability of death for as long as conceivable. In a more profound contemplation, the question arises: what benefits does a prolonged existence offer? Extended longevity grants us the gift of additional time and opportunities to pursue our goals and aspirations.

  • To ensure the well-being of my family, carry out my duties at work, and contribute meaningfully to society.
  • To actively contribute towards creating a better world through my actions and endeavors.
  • To prioritize my own well-being and engage in activities that bring me joy and fulfillment.

When I engage in clear thinking, the solutions tend to be concise and straightforward. I endeavor to delve deeper in order to discern the true significance of my existence. What is the ultimate purpose of my life? As I delve further into unraveling my motivations for existence, the answers become even more uncomplicated. Now, I comprehend that the fundamental objective of my life is to attain happiness and freedom; to achieve fulfillment! All other aspirations ultimately converge towards this underlying purpose. As I concentrate on this core objective, a remarkable realization dawns upon me; the element of time holds minimal relevance to this life's purpose! How would a lengthy lifespan aid me in attaining happiness, freedom, and fulfillment? Happiness, freedom, and fulfillment are emotions meant to be experienced. I must invest my time (and possibly exertion) in embracing and relishing these feelings. I must actively manifest this in the present moment! In fact, I possess the ability to choose happiness, freedom, and fulfillment right now.

Perhaps, the necessity of living a lengthy existence is not essential after all. Reflecting on the successful and cherished moments of my life, I recognize that I have failed to truly embrace and savor these instances. Instead of fully experiencing my accomplishments, my focus immediately shifted towards the next objective to be conquered. Continuation along this path may result in a life filled with numerous achievements, yet devoid of the true essence of living. Unless I alter my approach now, regardless of the duration or achievements amassed in my lifetime, I will perpetually miss out on the profound experience of living and my fundamental life purpose. When the time comes to bid a final farewell, I will always yearn for more time and unfinished achievements. Establishing ambitious goals and attaining them can indeed be exhilarating and enjoyable, but only if I genuinely immerse myself in the feelings of pleasure and excitement. Such a state can only be achieved through heightening my awareness of the present moment.

I have taken up a resolution to enhance my level of awareness and be fully present in every moment. While my actions remain largely unchanged, I diligently make an effort to stay mindful and attentive to the present.

Breaking old habits is challenging, as my mind tends to wander into thoughts of the past and future. However, once I recognize this tendency, I redirect my focus back to the present moment. This sole act of regaining attention provides significant mental relief and fosters a sense of tranquility and heightened alertness.On days when I am particularly mindful of the present, I find myself with ample time, accomplishing more tasks, and experiencing an invigorating sense of vitality. This approach undoubtedly contributes to embracing life in its entirety, albeit not the sole means to do so.

The only way I can experience life is in this present moment. In this context, the future and the past are illusions. The only thing I have for sure is the present moment; to be lived and enjoyed!

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