By Sushree Manmayee Rath
It is often suggested that a company operates more as an organism rather than a strict organization, as it is comprised of individuals whose performance and commitment can vary. Integrated project management has emerged as a crucial topic for discussion since its introduction in 2012 by the Project Management Institute, recognizing the need for flexibility and adaptability within a dynamic corporate environment.
Integrated project management involves incorporating company processes, resources, culture, leadership styles, and reporting into a comprehensive project management plan. It takes a holistic approach to efficiently completing tasks while considering all factors that contribute to project success. Integrated project management is not a stand-alone software program, although software can assist in its implementation with project teams. It is not simply a module or set of features that can be purchased and added to an existing system. Instead, it involves a mindset that views project management as an integral part of the company's culture and workflow, spanning across departments and teams. Integrated project management is a unique concept that is important to understand. This post was created to simplify the understanding and implementation of integrated project management for all individuals to benefit from its advantages.
Integrated project management is a multifaceted subject that is commonly explored by large enterprises in order to boost operational efficiency. However, the principles of integrated project management are applicable to small businesses as well. In fact, for companies looking to expand, it is advisable to start considering integrated project management early on. Project managers can utilize a straightforward integrated project plan to enhance the performance of their project teams. Through adopting an integrated approach, project managers can enhance communication and collaboration within the team, thereby fostering a more efficient and productive project team. Moreover, implementing an integrated workflow can assist project managers in effectively monitoring resources and meeting deadlines, contributing to the timely completion and within-budget delivery of projects. Below are the essential elements:
The main objective is to comprehensively analyse and delineate the intricate nature of projects and processes, strategize on ways to enhance them, and incorporate them into a project charter that is accessible to all team members.
Project managers can utilize integrated project management techniques to enhance their team's effectiveness. By comprehending various project goals and processes, and structuring projects in a logical manner, project managers can develop a customized project management plan suitable for their small company. A project-driven goal is focused on completing a specific project, while a process-driven goal is carried out continuously or on a regular basis. For instance, a project-driven goal may be to launch a new healthcare app within six months, whereas a process-driven goal could involve efficiently handling new patient registrations within a set timeframe by implementing a streamlined process.
Once the goals requiring project and process focus have been identified, it is essential to understand the interplay between different processes and projects. This understanding enables the project team to prioritize their tasks effectively. For instance, implementing an integrated approach may expedite the productivity of new employees. By carefully dissecting and analysing your business model, you can identify all necessary processes and project types for success. The subsequent step involves arranging these projects and processes in a coherent manner. Commence by documenting these processes and project types in a project charter. Subsequently, leverage project management software to construct a practical framework.
Project managers have the ability to establish and implement a straightforward integrated project management approach to enhance the efficiency of their small business. Through a deep understanding of the connection between projects and processes, and by properly structuring their workflow, a project manager can steer clear of typical project management challenges and maximize their resources.
Projects have a specific start and end date, while processes are continuous efforts that aid in efficient operations. Integrated project management establishes the connection between projects and day-to-day operations within an organization, enabling streamlined efforts, improved processes, and optimal project execution. To achieve success in project management, it is essential for project managers to grasp the interplay between projects and processes. An instance of this would be a Deepavali marketing project that is guided by the "campaign planning" process. This process typically entails the following steps:
The task "write call-to-action" assigns a task for your copywriter to complete within the project. This task can be marked off as completed once finished. On the other hand, "pass creative works along to the publisher" is not necessarily a task to check off, but rather an actionable step outlined in the project plan. Using the simple kanban view provided by Nirmalya Project Management workflows, the status of each task within a project's workflow is clearly depicted. This makes it easier to manage and track actionable steps throughout the project. To ensure your company runs smoothly, it is important to identify the types of projects and processes required. Implement these into your project management software to provide clear direction to your staff.
As a project manager, ensuring the success and smooth execution of your project team is paramount. However, there exist external forces beyond your control that may hinder the achievement of project objectives. The primary objective is to provide key stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of the project and process efficiency, as well as the performance of the project team in alignment with the project charter. A seasoned project manager must possess the ability to promptly identify inefficiencies and address them effectively. Utilizing simple yet efficient reporting mechanisms can be instrumental in this process. Inadequate reporting can result in panic, frustration, and ultimately project failure.
In many cases, larger companies utilize a Project Management Office to analyse data, while smaller companies can adopt a simpler method. By using project management software to produce relevant reports, smaller companies can track project progress against the management plan. Successful project managers understand the importance of collaboration. Implementing a straightforward reporting system will provide valuable insights and data to ensure project teams remain on course. Utilizing reports generated from integrated project management software allows for the prompt identification and resolution of inefficiencies. These reports also offer stakeholders, such as clients or senior executives, a comprehensive overview of project status, reducing the need for constant status updates.
Gathering data from your projects can enhance future project planning. Analysing information such as completed tasks, time spent on each task, average resolution time, and changes in workload can ensure that your small business is effectively utilizing integrated project management.
Nirmalya Project Management is a straightforward platform for project management which aids project managers in monitoring progress against the project plan through user-friendly reports. By utilizing Nirmalya Project Management, one can efficiently track the advancement of projects, identify completed tasks, and pinpoint pending work. Moreover, its intuitive interface allows for a seamless onboarding process, ensuring quick adoption of Nirmalya Project Management.
As you review your project management processes, you may uncover deficiencies in your current team's skill set. This can leave your projects vulnerable to potential failure or inefficiencies. By pinpointing these skill gaps, you can take steps to address them and enhance your team's overall performance. By comprehending the various tasks required, the project manager can more accurately identify where talent shortages may exist among their team members. This insight can then be leveraged to plug these gaps and enhance the team's effectiveness. For instance, during the development of a software product, you may have all the necessary components for its construction but lack a third-party tester. The absence of a quality assurance resource could result in the delivery of the software with significant errors and bugs.
As a project manager, understanding that success hinges on efficient processes is paramount. However, as your team expands and changes, it's crucial to ensure that processes evolve accordingly. If there are deficiencies in how tasks are completed, it may be time to conduct an audit.
Conduct a Gap Analysis: When conducting a gap analysis of your current workflows, it is important to keep a few key things in mind. Firstly, ensure that you have a clear understanding of the current process by having a project charter that outlines the steps involved and a project manager who is well-versed in the process and can serve as a point of contact for team members. The next step is to pinpoint any gaps in the process. This can be achieved by engaging with team members and gathering their input on areas where improvements could be made. Once you have identified the gaps, it is time to investigate the root causes.
Identify Root Causes: One significant factor contributing to gaps in process is a breakdown in communication. This breakdown may stem from unclear project charters or ineffective communication among team members. Another common cause of process gaps is the absence of standardized procedures, leading to confusion and inconsistencies. Additionally, a lack of resources can also result in process gaps. There are several methods for pinpointing root causes of process gaps. Analysing data for recurring patterns, such as gaps occurring towards the end of a project, can indicate a lack of resources as the root cause. Employing a fishbone diagram can also help in identifying potential causes by categorizing and brainstorming all possible factors contributing to the issue. After pinpointing the underlying reasons for the process gaps, the next step is to create action plans for each one. This involves specifying the individuals accountable for each task, and establishing the timelines and procedures for completing them.
Develop an Action Plan: After identifying the root causes of process gaps, it is crucial to develop action plans to address them. This involves detailing the necessary steps and assigning responsibilities for their completion. It is essential to ensure that all team members comprehend and agree to the action plans, with a method in place to monitor progress. A project management workflow requires ongoing review and adjustments to align with current processes and team dynamics. Therefore, creating a regular process review action plan is as vital as the initial plan. Prior to making any modifications or additions, perform a thorough gap analysis each time the process is reviewed. After completing the three steps for each of your process gaps, it is now time to implement them! Ensure all team members have access to the project charter and a clear understanding of its functionality.
Plan to make alterations as necessary: It is recommended to regularly revisit and assess your project management strategy at least once or twice a year. Given the dynamic nature of your business, constant growth and changes require adjustments to your project management plan with the addition of new products, services, and staff. By consistently maintaining and reviewing your plan, you can operate at peak efficiency levels. Proactive reviews will help minimize reactive problem-solving and reduce the need for fire fighting within your team.
Nirmalya Enterprise Platform offers a comprehensive solution for enterprises all within a single, unified platform. Equipped with an Integrated Project Management module, Nirmalya Enterprise facilitates effective management throughout the entire project lifecycle - from planning and execution to monitoring, gap analysis, root cause analysis, action plan definition, and tracking until completion. With enhanced team communication, streamlined processes, increased progress visibility, and improved accessibility, this platform enables seamless collaboration and productivity.
Businesses can leverage Nirmalya project management integrated with workflows to effectively manage projects and processes. Whether your business operates in consulting services, manufacturing, construction, EPC, SCM, you can tailor a workflow that aligns with your team's unique processes. The integrated project management system encompasses all tasks required to successfully complete each project, all within the parameters of your chosen workflow. This streamlined approach helps maintain organization and efficiency. Custom workflows can be designed to map out the steps within each process, which can then be applied to relevant projects and tasks. This ensures that teams adhere to the established processes for the projects they are involved in. To learn more about how businesses similar to yours are benefiting from the Nirmalya Enterprise Platform, please reach out to us today!