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As governments worldwide mandate business information modelling for construction projects, the significance of this tool within the industry has never been more crucial. The integration of a robust BIM system streamlines construction, design, and space management processes by offering a singular point of truth for decision-making. While the construction sector widely acknowledges these advantages, the potential benefits of BIM for owner-operators remain somewhat underappreciated. Nevertheless, implementing BIM can deliver substantial efficiency enhancements throughout a building or asset's entire lifecycle, resulting in tangible perks such as heightened efficiency, improved space management, cost reductions, increased return on investment (ROI), and more. In this context, we will delve into the foundational BIM tools suitable for operations and management purposes and explore how leveraging BIM can enhance space management practices for owner-operators.

What is Business Information Modelling?

Business Information Modelling is a cutting-edge, 3D model-based technology that serves as a sophisticated tool, offering users a comprehensive digital snapshot of a facility's physical and functional attributes. The top-tier BIM systems resemble extremely detailed X-rays, capturing every vital aspect ranging from wall dimensions to intricate electrical placements, along with warranty details and technical specifications of essential components for repair work. When effectively integrated, this granular wealth of information effectively addresses numerous communication challenges in construction and maintenance, fostering transparency and providing a centralized knowledge base that bolsters informed decision-making processes across a building's entire lifespan.

Importance of Business Information Modelling

Upon completion of construction projects, customers are inundated with crucial building information, including Building Information Modelling data, as part of the handover process. Unfortunately, this treasure trove of data is often haphazardly stored, leading to inefficiencies, time-wasting searches, and costly delays during maintenance activities. Larger facilities like universities and hospitals can spend an exorbitant amount of time managing disorganized data, inevitably leading to underutilization when urgently needed. By implementing a structured approach to storing and managing BIM data, consistent facility concerns such as warranty tracking, compliance assurance, preventive maintenance scheduling, and budget preparation can be efficiently addressed. With a systematic handover process that prioritizes organized BIM data in the industry foundation class (IFC) format, organizations can streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance overall efficiency. Embracing this meticulous data management approach, though demanding upfront, can undoubtedly yield substantial long-term benefits that far surpass any initial challenges.

Standardize Data Ownership

The implementation of a unified tool allows owners, operators, construction workers, and all stakeholders to access standardized data, ultimately resulting in numerous benefits such as:

Enhanced compatibility: Data consistency is heightened by reducing the time and effort needed to merge information, correct errors, and navigate through disparate data sources, ultimately improving overall interoperability.

Streamlined processes: Every project faces obstacles within the design review and approval stages. By implementing a standardizing tool, these hindrances can be minimized by ensuring the correct information is readily available in the appropriate location.

Enhanced efficiency: Speeding up handovers and regularly verifying asset data to uphold data accuracy can improve overall efficiency.

Decreased document search time: Attaching documents to tags can reduce the time operational staff spend sorting through information to find what they need.

BIM has the potential to revolutionize the construction and facilities management industries by allowing users to create a reference data library. This standardization is currently lacking in facilities management, but by using BIM within a company, naming and data reference can be standardized for a competitive advantage. This could eventually lead to an industry-wide standardization.

Organize Asset Breakdown

The asset structure, encompassing every element of a building or asset such as walls, doors, doorknobs, and more, plays a crucial role in the construction and subsequent maintenance phases. Following the completion of the construction phase, the asset breakdown structure is unveiled, containing essential information vital for both construction and post-construction stages. Construction companies rely heavily on this document during construction to access precise details like wall reinforcement. Similarly, for operations and maintenance tasks, having this information on hand is indispensable for carrying out repairs, maintenance, or enhancements. While not every area demands the same level of detail as construction, in certain scenarios, having intricate information is invaluable. For instance, when repairing an HVAC system, intricate knowledge of the unit, including spare parts lists, electrical connections, power distribution, and fuse box locations, can prevent costly and time-consuming repair work. Understanding the asset structure is not only a best practice but a necessity for ensuring efficient and effective construction, maintenance, and repair processes.

Cost Breakdown Structure

When you have meticulously organized your asset breakdown information, the next pivotal step is to construct a thorough cost breakdown structure for ongoing maintenance. A prime illustration of this process is in an academic institution like a university, where dissecting room allocations, identifying occupants, outlining necessary maintenance tasks, and attributing financial responsibility are crucial components. The absence of a Building Information Modelling system makes establishing these intricate relationships challenging, as the ownership of spaces and maintenance obligations remains unclear. This ambiguity can result in operational inefficiencies and financial setbacks over time. By effectively defining these connections, you not only streamline budgeting processes but also pave the way for substantial cost savings and alleviate potential complexities down the road.

Work Breakdown Structure

The work breakdown structure plays a crucial role in providing a detailed overview of work orders, allowing you to analyze the connection between different tasks and areas efficiently. For instance, consider a scenario where you need to address an HVAC issue. By utilizing the work breakdown structure, you can effectively inform the occupants of the affected rooms about any disruptions expected on specific dates and times, enabling you to manage access restrictions as needed. This level of control is particularly beneficial in settings such as hospitals, where access to sensitive areas like pharmacies requires strict regulation. By implementing this meticulous approach, you can not only streamline the work order process and save valuable time but also ensure that all building personnel are well-informed and equipped to respond promptly and effectively to any developments.

System Breakdown Structure

In an asset breakdown structure, the implementation of multiple hierarchies is critical for comprehensive insight and strategic maintenance solutions. Utilizing diverse perspectives, such as examining building layouts down to room details and separately delving into intricate components like HVAC units, can unveil hidden efficiencies. To excel in maintenance tasks, access to well-organized information is paramount. By having a clear overview and a deep understanding of relevant facets, resolving issues swiftly and accurately becomes achievable. For instance, when confronted with a work order citing malfunctioning lights and a PC in a specific room, the structured breakdown equips you with precise schematics to swiftly identify the blown fuse box and navigate the walls with confidence to rectify the issue. This meticulous breakdown approach proves invaluable for streamlining operations and ensuring optimal functionality of assets.

Information Derived from Business Information Modelling

As an owner-operator of a newly constructed building, it is essential to establish a robust facilities management system. This includes configuring assets within your maintenance management system, such as:

Work Orders

Various situations necessitate the establishment of recurring work orders. An example of this is the regular inspection of fire alarms for preventive maintenance purposes. To ensure the successful execution of this task, it is essential to have not only work orders but also comprehensive lists of relevant details and spare parts. This information can be extracted from Building Information Modelling.

Reports and Dashboards

These comprehensive reports pertain to specific areas, detailing usage of rooms by tenants, cost breakdowns, and more. This information provides valuable insights that can be conveniently accessed to reduce expenses, pinpoint areas of concern, and facilitate decision-making.

On-demand Reports

These are reports created spontaneously, for instance, when board members require information regarding a particular building or location.

Deliverables List

The contractor is responsible for providing the owner-operator with a comprehensive list of deliverables upon completion of the construction project. These deliverables will include a 3-D model, floor plans, asset inventory, and more. Traditionally, this information is manually compiled, leading to potential errors and increased costs. By utilizing Building Information Modelling, all project information can be efficiently housed and organized in a centralized source, ensuring accuracy and accessibility.

Asset Documents

It offers the capability to create and uphold links between assets and documents. It also aids in organizing these connections for easy retrieval. For instance, when a maintenance engineer is assigned to work on HVAC systems 1, 2, and 3, they can effortlessly access the corresponding list, manual, warranty, and standard operating procedure for each unit within the system.

Simplifying Facility Management with Nirmalya Enterprise Platform

Revamp Facility Management strategies with the state-of-the-art Nirmalya Enterprise Platform incorporating Asset Management platform, Building Information Modelling , Business Intelligence, Electronic Document Management, Dashboard and Analytics. With its intuitive interface and robust features, this platform streamlines the intricacies of enterprise asset management. Enhance asset utilization, decrease downtime, and improve operational efficiency through functionalities such as preventive maintenance scheduling, real-time asset tracking, and work order management. Leverage comprehensive reports and analytics to gain in-depth insights into asset performance, enabling informed decision-making. By employing best practices, Nirmalya Enterprise Asset Management platform empowers maintenance teams to excel in complex operational settings, boosting productivity, optimizing asset performance, and minimizing downtime. Seamlessly leverage web and mobile applications to enhance value, regardless of your facility management location or schedule.

Drive bottom-line savings and operational efficiency with Nirmalya Enterprise Platform equipped with cutting-edge Enterprise Asset Management, Business Information Modelling, Business Intelligence, and Analytics capabilities. It is designed for construction and engineering enterprises, offers a comprehensive suite to enhance productivity and performance. Contact us today to explore the full potential of our innovative technology suite.

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