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Garbage collection is an essential aspect of memory management in the Java programming language. Java 11, with its improved performance and features, offers an efficient garbage collection mechanism. In this article, we will delve into the algorithms employed by Java 11 for garbage collection and provide examples to illustrate their practical implementation. So, let's explore the world of garbage collection in Java 11!

Java 11 utilizes several garbage collection algorithms to effectively reclaim memory that is no longer needed by the program. Each algorithm is designed with specific objectives and trade-offs. The two main algorithms used in Java 11 for garbage collection are:

  • The Serial garbage collector is a single-threaded collector that halts all application threads during the collection process. This stop-the-world approach ensures that no objects are modified while garbage collection is in progress. While the Serial garbage collector may lead to brief pauses in the application's execution, it is suitable for small to medium-sized applications with limited memory requirements.
  • The Parallel garbage collector, as the name suggests, employs multiple threads to carry out garbage collection. By utilizing multiple processors, it can significantly reduce the time spent on garbage collection. This collector is suitable for multi-core systems with larger heaps.


Let's explore some examples to better understand how garbage collection works in Java 11.

Object Creation and De-allocation

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
            new Example(); // Create new objects

In this example, the loop creates a thousand new Example objects. As these objects are no longer referenced, they become eligible for garbage collection. Java 11's garbage collector will identify these unreferenced objects and free up the memory they occupy.

Garbage Collection Tuning

Java 11 provides various options to fine-tune and optimize garbage collection based on the application's requirements. One such option is the -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis, which specifies the maximum desired pause time for garbage collection. For example:

java -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=1000 -jar MyApp.jar

By setting the value to 1000 milliseconds, we ensure that the garbage collector attempts to minimize pauses to one second or less.

With its advancements in garbage collection, Java 11 offers several benefits to developers:

  • Java 11's garbage collector optimizes memory utilization, reducing the frequency and duration of garbage collection pauses. This results in improved application performance and responsiveness.
  • The garbage collector in Java 11 efficiently reclaims memory, eliminating memory leaks and reducing the overall memory footprint of the application.
  • Java 11's garbage collection relieves developers from the burden of manual memory management, making it easier to write robust and efficient code.

Garbage collection in Java 11 is a vital aspect of memory management, ensuring efficient memory utilization and performance. By employing different algorithms and providing tuning options, Java 11's garbage collector offers improved performance and reduced memory footprint. As a developer, understanding these algorithms and utilizing the available features will help you write more efficient and reliable Java applications.

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