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Spring Boot is a Java framework that simplifies the process of creating web applications. With its various features, developers can build robust and scalable applications quickly. One of the standout features of Spring Boot is its WhiteLabel Error Handling, which provides a simple and customizable way to handle errors that may occur during application development. In this article, we will explore the concept of Spring Boot WhiteLabel Error Handling and how it can benefit developers.

WhiteLabel Error Handling is the default error handling mechanism in Spring Boot. When something goes wrong in your application, this system acts as a "catch-all" error handler, displaying a simple error page to users. Whether it's a "404 Not Found" error or a "500 Internal Server Error," Spring Boot will handle it and show an appropriate error page to the user.
What makes WhiteLabel Error Handling valuable is its ease of use and customizability. It provides a consistent and user-friendly way to handle errors in your application without the need for complex configurations or setups.

The WhiteLabel Error Handling system in Spring Boot is powered by the ErrorController interface. By default, the BasicErrorController handles the white-label error handling features. However, you can create your own custom error controller to define your error-handling logic.
Let's take a look at a simplified example in Java to understand how the WhiteLabel error handling mechanism works in Spring Boot:

import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.ErrorController;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;


public class CustomErrorController implements ErrorController {


    public String handleError() {

        // Your custom error handling logic goes here

        return "error"; // Return the name of your custom error page


    public String getErrorPath() {

        return "/error";



In this example, we create a custom error controller called CustomErrorController that implements the ErrorController interface. We override the handleError() method to provide our custom error handling logic. Within this method, you have the flexibility to perform actions such as logging, redirecting, or rendering a specific error page.
Please note that in a real-world application, you would likely have more comprehensive error-handling logic, including handling different types of errors (e.g., 404, 500) and displaying appropriate error messages or pages. Make sure to configure your error page (error-page) in your application's view templates to design the visual representation of your custom error page.

While the default WhiteLabel error page serves its purpose, it may not always align with your application's design or user experience. Fortunately, with Spring Boot, you have the flexibility to create your own custom error page.
To create a custom error page, follow these steps:

  1. Create an error.html file in either the src/main/resources/public, src/main/resources/static, or src/main/resources/templates folder.
  2. Specify the content of your custom error page in the HTML file.
    Here is an example of a basic custom error page using HTML for a Spring Boot application:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    <title>Error Page</title>



    <h1>Oops! Something went wrong.</h1>

    <p>We're sorry, but an error occurred.</p>



Save this file as error.html in either src/main/resources/public or src/main/resources/static or src/main/resources/templates folder.
Now, when an error occurs in your Spring Boot application, instead of the default WhiteLabel error page, your custom error page will be displayed. Remember that this is just a basic example, and in a real-world scenario, you would likely have more comprehensive error-handling logic and provide more detailed error messages.
Additionally, if you want to handle specific error types differently, such as "page not found" or "server error," Spring Boot allows you to create custom pages for them. Simply create files named 404.html and 500.html in the error page folder, and Spring Boot will automatically use them.

Spring Boot's WhiteLabel Error Handling is a powerful and convenient feature that simplifies the process of handling errors in your web applications. It provides a default error handling mechanism that can be easily customized to suit your application's needs. With the flexibility to create custom error pages and handle specific error types, Spring Boot empowers developers to create robust and user-friendly applications.
So embrace the simplicity and customization offered by Spring Boot WhiteLabel Error Handling, and elevate the error handling experience in your applications.

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