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Machine downtime has long been recognized as a formidable obstacle to productivity within the manufacturing industry. The significance of this issue lies in the fact that when machines remain idle, the value created for customers diminishes. Each minute spent in downtime equates to potential profits lost, amounting to thousands in damages. Although planned maintenance and changeover processes necessitate some downtime, many industrial companies grapple with preventable instances of unplanned downtime. If production goals are consistently missed, it is highly likely that the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is also suffering. By examining the primary causes of excessive downtime in manufacturing facilities, implementing necessary solutions, and leveraging advanced connected workforce platforms like Nirmalya Enterprise Platform Suite, factories can effectively boost uptime and optimize operational efficiency.

What is Downtime in Manufacturing?

Machine downtime is a critical aspect of manufacturing operations, encompassing any periods when machines are not operating. This downtime can be broadly classified into two categories: planned downtime and unplanned downtime. Planned downtime is scheduled and can arise due to factors such as maintenance, material shortages, or team meetings. On the other hand, unplanned downtime is unpredictable and often results from mechanical issues or operator errors. While some downtime is normal in manufacturing, excessive and persistent unplanned downtime may indicate underlying systemic issues within a facility. Therefore, it is essential for companies to proactively address downtime to enhance operational efficiency and minimize production interruptions.

Key Factors Contributing to Unplanned Downtime

Unforeseen downtime in machines can occur due to a variety of reasons, leading to the loss of valuable production time and materials for manufacturers. This ultimately impacts profits negatively. Below are some of the typical causes for unplanned machine downtime:

Maintenance Culture

In environments that adopt a break/fix strategy, where issues are addressed only after they have caused a breakdown, downtime occurs more frequently and lasts longer compared to environments that prioritize proactive maintenance to prevent failures.

Equipment Failure

Machinery and equipment may experience failures due to reasons such as normal wear and tear, inadequate maintenance, improper operation, or substandard repairs, resulting in unexpected halts in production.

Supply Chain Disruptions

Supply chain disruptions lead to production halts from material shortages, supply delays, or quality issues, impacting deadlines and customer orders. Businesses should anticipate and address these issues to minimize delays and maintain efficiency.

Power Outages

Power outages can lead to an abrupt halt in production and may cause delays in resuming operations. It is an unexpected event that can have a significant impact on the workflow.

Issues with Software and Systems

Instances of software and system malfunctions can cause glitches, bugs, or failures in machinery, leading to unplanned downtime. These disruptions can delay operations and affect productivity. Prompt identification and resolution of these issues are essential to minimize their impact on manufacturing.

Employee Mistakes

Errors made by employees, including lack of attention, misunderstanding of instructions, or errors in judgment, have the potential to cause production stoppages.

Safety Incidents

Safety incidents, such as accidents, can lead to immediate shutdowns either directly following the incident or during the investigation and response process.

While some causes like power outages and material shortages are typically beyond our control, the majority of unplanned downtime can be prevented or promptly addressed. By engaging your team with the appropriate tools and strategies to optimize Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), you can effectively reduce downtime.

How to Calculate Machine Downtime

In order to minimize downtime, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the calculations involved. This involves collecting sufficient data from various sources, such as equipment, personnel, systems, and procedures, to identify areas in need of enhancement. Manufacturers typically measure machine downtime by establishing a planned operating schedule and tracking both planned and unplanned downtime occurrences on a monthly basis. This data is then reviewed to identify trends and compare against previous months. Utilizing advanced EAM solutions like Nirmalya EAM simplifies digital storage of production data, making the task more efficient. To calculate actual operating time, total downtime is subtracted from the planned operating time. For example, if 40 hours of downtime occur within a 240-hour planned period, the actual operating time would be 200 hours. This result can be converted to a downtime percentage, which in this case is approximately 16.7%.

To analyse downtime on an individual asset level, calculate daily revenue by dividing total revenue by planned operating time. Then, identify how much revenue is affected when a particular machine is down. This helps in determining asset criticality and quantifying the financial impact of downtime. By comparing the impact of different assets on daily revenue, you can prioritize maintenance efforts and improve overall operational efficiency.

To prioritize equipment failures and save money, it is important to identify the costliest issues first. This can help stop financial losses in your factory. However, simply knowing about the failures is not enough. You need the proper tools and systems in place to address the root cause of these problems effectively.

How Nirmalya Enterprise Platform Reduce Machine Downtime

Nirmalya Enterprise Platform suite is essential for minimizing downtime in manufacturing operations. Its advanced features like predictive analytics and real-time machine monitoring allow workers to efficiently identify and address production issues. By utilizing data visualization and other capabilities, this suite empowers employees at all levels to quickly resolve problems and prevent unnecessary downtime.

Enhanced Insight into Machine Performance

Nirmalya Enterprise Platform suite offers the benefit of gathering and visualizing real-time data through equipment sensors and data analytics. This allows for immediate detection of underperforming machines and easy access to critical data for operators. Maintenance scheduling is simplified as technicians can be dispatched proactively to fix mechanical issues before they become a safety hazard.

Prevention of Operator Errors

Nirmalya Enterprise Platform Suite offers the ability to digitize and democratize instructional materials, such as SOPs, work instructions, safety guidelines, and troubleshooting guides, making them accessible through a single platform. This allows workers to have all the necessary information for successful machine operation at their fingertips, leading to fewer mistakes and quicker problem solving. If an issue arises that is beyond the operator's knowledge, they can easily communicate with experts both inside and outside the plant using built-in communication tools.

Equipping Maintenance Teams

Nirmalya Enterprise Platform Suite provides maintenance teams with tools and knowledge to quickly and proactively address issues. It offers a comprehensive view of machine health and ensures that technicians have the necessary training to make repairs. The platform allows for easy assignment of training modules to help technicians expand their skills and obtain certifications, improving overall maintenance efficiency and effectiveness.

Nirmalya Enterprise Platform suite offers advanced inventory management, including the ability to track spare parts availability and inventory levels to ensure maintenance technicians have the necessary supplies for quick repairs. Utilizing the suite can lead to significant improvements in machine downtime within months or even weeks. Developed specifically for manufacturers, Nirmalya Enterprise Platform suite has proven successful in assisting numerous facilities in reducing downtime by double digits. Nirmalya Enterprise Platform suite enables your team to enhance asset reliability and promptly resolve production interruptions, all while utilizing:

Notifications and Escalation Protocols: In the event of issues, designated individuals are promptly alerted on their electronic devices, ensuring quick response to prevent potential shutdowns.

Access to Immediate Crucial Information: In the event of a machine failure, operators and technicians can swiftly retrieve issue-specific details such as necessary spare parts, manuals, and machine history.

Document Downtime Information Efficiently: Nirmalya Enterprise Platform suite allows you to easily record detailed information on each downtime event through video, images, and text.

Nirmalya Enterprise Platform suite simplifies maintenance scheduling for manufacturers, allowing them to coordinate maintenance and production schedules efficiently. This helps maximize throughput and reduce disruptions in operations. The platform provides a more in-depth look at reducing machine downtime. Contact us today to learn more about how Nirmalya Enterprise Platform suite can benefit your industry.

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